Jobsite Summary

In Dashboard > Jobsites tab, click a Jobsite card to view its data summary. Switch jobsites, filter and sort data to gather the required information, which helps to make decisions, such as reducing the waiting time of Trucks and Loaders in the jobsites.

The KPI data is displayed for the current day based on the jobsite's time zone. However, the Jobsite details are displayed in the table based on the time zone selected in Preferences. By default, the data is sorted by Truck in the timestamp.

  1. Jobsite Name

The name of currently viewed Jobsite is displayed in the Jobsite drop-down list. Click Down Arrow icon near Jobsite drop-down list to view the desired Jobsite details.

  1. Critical Zone

The critical zone is derived based on the maximum number of waiting trucks/jobs available in the zone's Loading and Waiting to Load stages of Jobsite. The zone is created by site supervisor.

  1. Completed

The number of dispatched trucks and amount of completed materials from the selected Jobsite on the current day.

  1. Average Truck Time

The Average Truck Time displays the time spent by truck Onsite, Waiting to Load, Loading and Waiting to Complete stages of Jobsite.

  1. Loaders

The total number of loaders and active loaders currently loading at the Jobsite.

Note: If an asset is not assigned to any of the Jobsite, then all the jobs of available Jobsites are listed for the unassigned asset till the Jobsite Supervisor assigns the asset to a Jobsite. The number of assets in Loading stage and currently loading Active loaders count is same.

  1. Waiting to Load

The number of trucks waiting to load the material at the Jobsite.

  1. Loading

The number of trucks currently being loaded by loader in the Jobsite.

  1. Waiting to Complete

The number of trucks completed the loading but not left the Jobsite.

  1. Completed
    The Completed section displays the details about number of jobs completed at Jobsite for the current day.

  1. All Jobs

The All Jobs section displays the summary of jobs available in Waiting to Load, Loading, Waiting to Complete and Completed stages of Jobsite.

  1. Filter by Column

The filter allows user to specify criteria for each of the columns to narrow down the Jobsite details.

  1. Download
    The Download allows the user to export job data for the selected job state in a CSV format.
  2. Command Center

The Command Center icon allows the user to expand and view jobs details in full screen.

  1. Jobsite Details:

Under Waiting to Load, Loading, Waiting to Complete, Completed and All Jobs tabs, data is displayed in a table. Use Filter By Column to customize the data displayed here and Download to export the data in a CSV format.

Truck Code
Truck Name
Zone Name
Material Code
Material Name
Onsite Time (mm:ss)
Waiting to Load (mm:ss)
Loading (mm:ss)
Waiting to Complete (mm:ss)
Loader Code
Start Loading Date Time
Truck In Time
Loaded Date Time
Done Date Time
Done Reason
Loader Pass Count
Target Material Weight (Tons)
Actual Material Weight (Tons)

The Done Date Time is the timestamp of a completed job. The Done Reason is changed to Completed when the Loader Code, Start Loading Date Time, Loaded Date Time and Done Date Time details are available for the job. If any of those details are unavailable for a job, then the job Done Reason is changed as Purged.