Accessing Dispatch for Loading Application

Note: The dealer admin should subscribe the devices for Dispatch for Loading in Dealer Services Portal (DSP) and send email to Product Support team ( to get access for the auto-created group. Then dealer admin the adds new user under their dealership to Dispatch for Loading application. Refer to CWS ID Creation Manual for more information about creating a new user with CWS ID.

To access Dispatch for Loading application, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the following URL into web browser:
    Note: Supported browsers are Internet Explorer® version 11, Chrome® version 71 and above, Microsoft Edge® version 41 and Safari 11.1.2.

  2. Enter CWS ID and Password in the respective fields. Click Login.

Note: The users should have a valid CWS ID with access privilege to login the Dispatch for Loading application. The active administrator of a customer can provide access to other users of customer account for the application.

  1. When Dispatch for Loading is logged in for first time, the following Legal page is displayed. After the agreement and policies are reviewed by clicking the respective links of Privacy Notice and EULA, the user acceptance is required to continue with Dispatch for Loading application.

    Note: When the agreement and policies are accepted, a link to it will be available at the bottom of every page in Dispatch for Loading application. Every change in future versions of EULA and Privacy Statement requires user acceptance. Refer to Legal Page Scenarios for more information about error messages while submitting the legal documents.

  2. Click Submit. A notification email is sent to the logged in user after the acceptance of Privacy Notice and EULA. If you have any queries related to legal details of Cat Productivity, please contact The Cookie Settings pop-up is displayed.

  3. User can select or deselect the Performance/Targeting/Advertising cookie by reading the cookie details from Show Details section. The Performance/Targeting/Advertising cookie provides acceptance of Google Analytics to track user actions in application.
    Note: The Strictly Necessary cookie is selected by default. Each time the user is logged in with different devices for first time, the cookie settings pop-up is displayed.

  4. Click Accept.

  5. Click Login. The Preferences pop-up is displayed.

    Note: The Preferences pop-up is displayed only for the first-time login user. The logged in customer account is displayed by default in Account field.  If the user is having access to more than one customer account, then the account for which the first-time access provided is displayed by default. Refer to Preferences for more information on user settings.

  1. Set the preferences and click Save to proceed.

  1. The Dispatch for Loading Jobsites View page is displayed.


Dispatch for Loading Logout

To log out of Dispatch for Loading application, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Profile icon at the upper-right corner of the page. The Logout option is available in the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Logout to exit the application. The Logout confirmation pop-up is displayed.

  3. Click Yes. The CWS login page is displayed.